Comfort Women – A Necessary Diplomatic Resolution

South Korea’s President Park Geun-hye continues the policies implemented by the Japanese and South Korean governments to give restitution to comfort women and their relatives. The plan to compensate women and their families began with a “final and irreversible” deal between Japanese Foreign Minister Fumio Kishida and South Korean Foreign Minister Yun Byung-se on December 28, 2015. The plan continued to thrive, on July 28, 2016, with the implementation of the Foundation for Reconciliation and Healing, a NGO created to give assistance to those affected by the wartime offense. With the NGO in place, by August, Japan devoted about $9 million to the institution while South Korea offered close to $108,000. Funds will be used to support the surviving women and their families.



Despite the progress of the deal, there still has been several opposing voices that feel the compensation is not nearly enough for restitution. Many surviving …

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How will Japan and South Korea Resolve the Comfort Women Issue?


History indicates that sexual slavery is a common occurrence in human history. Just before and during the World War II, the Imperial Japanese Army is accused of turning some Korean women and girls into sex slaves, comfort women. The term “comfort women” is translational of the Japanese word “ianfu” which is a polite term for a woman prostitute. Historians suggest that thousands of women could have been involved in the sexual slavery. While some historians quote a figure as low as 20 thousand, some indicate that as many as 400 thousand women could have been forced into the sexual slavery.

Several years after the World War II, the comfort women issue remains unresolved between South Korea and Japan. However, the two countries that enjoy a cordial working relationship have made efforts towards finding an amicable solution to the issue. Two years ago, Japanese Foreign Minister Fumio Kishida and his South …

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Choosing the Perfect Little Black Dress

A little black dress is a wardrobe essential. Every woman needs at least one. Many women want several in order to look good. Each little black dress is not the same. When it comes to picking out one, look for looks that flatter your figure and draw out your best features. It’s also a good idea to look for dresses that are right for both a more formal occasion such as a wedding and something a bit more casual such as a rock concert. A good little black dress should also be easy to take off and on and easy to accessorize. Many women look for one dress for warmer weather events and another dress that can take them into events that take place during the colder months.

The Material

Women can find little black dresses in all kinds of fabric. For summer, consider fabrics such as linen and cotton …

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Traveling with a New Baby


New babies are wonderful creatures. They smell great. A newborn baby is full of possibility. However, a newborn can also require a lot of special care. Taking a baby on even a simple outing to the park or to the store may require lots of special care and even more advanced planning. All parents should have a means of transporting the baby safely and easily from one place to the next. The ideal system makes it easy for the parent to bring the baby along with the baby’s other needs such as diapers, a change of clothing and food storage. Many parents also need transport systems that will fit up neatly into a car or on the subway. It’s a good idea to see what’s available on the market even before the baby is born.

The Basics

Any travel system for the baby should include a place for the baby …

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How to Allow More Natural Light into the Home

One of the most important parts of creating an uplifting setting in your home is to allow plenty of natural light into the building. Well-lit homes are cheery and will make it easy to spend more time in the space. If you want to allow more natural light in the property, there are a few steps to take as a homeowner.

Install Skylights

An effective way to allow more light to flood into your living room or kitchen is with a skylight. Skylights are cut into the ceiling and feature a glass panel that can reduce your energy usage and is useful during the day. With more light in the home, you won’t need to rely on overhead lights to illuminate the room.

Sky tubes are also useful and are cheaper to install if you have a dark corner of the room that needs a bit of light. According to …

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