Pick the right cake for your anniversary celebration
Celebration of anniversary has to be a grand one. After all spending a year with one person is no small task – right? The more you spend days with your honey, the more you come to know about the real person. You also witness the graph of change in each other. So, in a nutshell, the journey is always worth it! Be it the first year or the tenth year, a wedding anniversary cake is important part of the celebration. So, let’s see which cake suits which year of your union.
Strawberry cake for 1st year:
The first year of marriage is a special one and couples are still; very lovey-dovey with each other. Most of the couples in this stage are still in that essence of honeymoon. So, they generally don’t see any flaw in each other. So, if you know any couple who would be celebrating the first year of marriage, do take a strawberry cake. Firstly, because the color is very much pink and secondly, the taste is very sweet. Both the pink color and sweetness matches the spirit of one year of marriage truly.
Black Currant cake for 5th Year:
5 years mean 1825 days and this is nothing less in knowing each other. You may discover many unknown facets of your partner and things may seem a bit heart-broken at times. But being husband and wife, you also cultivate those qualities to overcome all odds and be with each other, come what may! This whole sensation actually matches with the sweet, sour, and savory taste of a black currant cake. Don’t forget to bring this happy anniversary cake home and wish your better half.
Red Velvet cake for 10th Year:
10 years means you have gloriously passed a decade with each other. You have seen the cheesy times as well as murky times with each other and for each other. In this phase, generally couples are a bit confused on one hand and on other hand they also feel victorious for being with each other. When they started the journey, they hardly thought that they could walk so long! So, this moment must be celebrated with a red velvet cake. White stands for an enjoyable sacrifice here (and by now you mean what sacrifice means from eating the not so favorite vegetable to waking up at wee hours of night to shriek of kids) while red stands for that eternal love.
Rich chocolate cake for 25th Year:
Various flavors of cakes would come and go but a chocolate flavor would always remain classy and elegant. It is like that essence of life which can never be subjugated. The strong union of 25 years or the silver jubilee have strengthened and energized you so much that you are now shining like a gold whose value just increases day by day. Can there be anything as good as a chocolate cake in this moment?
Designer fondant cake for 50th Year:
Very few lucky people get this opportunity to remain in the blissful marital union for as long as 50 years. Half a century speaks from the wrinkles and half of the memories seem to be foggy without glasses. This beautiful story of togetherness is definitely demanding a designer fondant as the anniversary cake.